I set up this blog so that the three of us and like minded individuals would have a space to express our thoughts, desires, belief systems etc. And yet I haven't said much. Let's just say life gets busy. But it doesn't mean I stopped thinking. I think about writing here all the time. I mean lets face it, if I am not thinking about things that need to be done, or a child that needs to be tended to I am pretty much thinking about sex. Isn't everyone? I listen to the radio, I read books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, emails, texts and wonder where the hell our world is headed with all the crazies who wish to keep all the heretics in their place or in pine boxes per their preferences. So really there are days where I believe most Holy (Wholly full of holes) writings have done us a great disservice by directing our society in a male dominated protestation of all things tribal and alternative. Jacob had four women with which to create the 12 tribes of Israel. When Rachel or Leah at different times told him to do his thing with Bilhah and Zilpah he didn't argue. He didn't worry about what his neighbors might think. He didn't ask for advice from his father-in-law, Laban. He did what comes natural and had sex with them in order to please his wives and create more children per their demands.While I believe Jacob was just another dysfunctional role model who didn't understand the damage wrought upon him by his own parents until he was on his death bed I also believe he did what was necessary to enjoy his life and create a family many of us are still part of to this day.
If monogamy were so great wouldn't a majority of marriages work?
I have too many friends that have either gone through painful divorces or are presently headed towards painful divorces. We live in a society where the majority of partners have no idea how to communicate with each other about their dreams, wants, desires and sexual fantasies. Many don't even know how to express their sexual desires to themselves. I seek communication, exploration, actualization and realization to open my mind and body to their fullest potential and to attempt to bring my message of sex, sexuality, acceptance and tolerance into the world and into this space.