Throughout Elul, the month leading up to the High Holy Days, I tend to feel the impending doom of Judgment, but never more so than between S'lichot and Rosh HaShanah. Once S'lichot services are over, I know that I have very little time left to finish my sermons and make sure that I have all of my ducks in a row for services--is my robe clean? Where is my shofar? Do all of my Torah readers have their tikkun pages? I can feel the pit in my stomach growing larger and heavier with every fear and worry and anxiety.
Of course, it is the Yamim Nora'im, the Days of Awe, and awe was never meant to be comfortable!
Of course, it is the Yamim Nora'im, the Days of Awe, and awe was never meant to be comfortable!
So, I have been using the same text for S'lichot services with my community for the past three (or maybe even four) years now; yet every year new texts speak to me and teach me something about who I am, where I am and why. This year, this was the text that captured my mind and soul:
Do not despair.
You are bigger than any of your sins and then all of them.
Rise, for though you have suffered setback and hurt, you are not defeated.
You possess the resources for triumph.
God does not despair of you.
You need not despair of yourself.
Rabbi Morris Adler, 20th Century
As we enter into this season of T'shuvah: return, repentance and renewal, may we all know that each and every one of us possesses the resources for triumph. We are not defeated. We do not need to despair. May we all be written in the Book of Life for good, for peace, and for blessing.
Shanah Tovah Tikateivu!
Shanah Tovah Tikateivu!